All members of your family—including your pets—need ongoing wellness care to ensure a long and healthy life. The information taken by your veterinarian at each examination becomes part of your pet's permanent medical history and can be critical if an emergency or sudden illness arises.
Wellness visits involve the assessment of your pet's overall health, weight, body condition, and any aging changes in addition to the complete evaluation of all major body systems, and will include:
- Weight
- Temperature
- Body condition
- Coat and skin quality
- Cardiovascular function
- Respiratory function
- Teeth and gum conditions
- Eyes, ears, nose, throat
- Rectal/anal sac condition
- Abdominal palpation to detect abnormal intestine, kidney, liver or spleen size, as well as detect large tumors from these organs
- Lymphatic system
- Basic neurological system
- Musculoskeletal system
Any changes in a pet's behavior—their main form of communication with you—is important and should be passed along to the doctor. Noting differences in behavior is important in the early detection of problems and reduction of potential health risk factors.
Pet Wellness Information
At your pet's initial appointment, your Vista Veterinary Hospital veterinarian will obtain a complete medical history which will provide a baseline against which future changes in signs and symptoms may be compared. A thorough physical examination will then be performed by the doctor, who will check for external parasites, proper development of the eyes, ears, and teeth as well as internal organ systems and hereditary or nutritional defects.
To preserve optimal health, it is generally recommended that your pet receives an annual physical examination. Appropriate vaccinations, laboratory tests, and medications to prevent disease may be recommended. Should a diagnosis of your pet's condition by your veterinarian indicate further medical intervention is desirable, you will be provided the information necessary to understand the doctor's findings and the time to discuss your animal's condition.